Our Mission
Our mission is to serve children in the tri-county area in meeting their educational and creative needs by providing free supplies donated by businesses and individuals.
Our Vision
Our vision is for every child in the tri-county area to have the school supplies they need to succeed in school.
Board of Directors
Chair - Michelle Orr Noisette
Vice Chair - Terri H. Nichols
Secretary - Francine M. Mitchell
Treasurer - Mary Ann Wright
Dolores Green
Octavia Mitchell Hilton
Elonda Fair O'Neill
Jill A. T. Sorensen
Marietta Ascue Worthy
Executive Director
Lynette V. Duggins
Administrative Assistant
Melissa D. Cox
Thank you to Charleston County School District for giving temporary space to Teachers' Supply Closet at Garrett Academy of Technology! We are still in need of a permanent location!
Report Cards
TSC has proudly distributed over 700 Yoobi Classroom Packs since September of 2014.