Teachers and Volunteers: Please watch the video to the right of this text to see parking and entrance instructions!
2019-2020 Eligible Schools
Q: My school is an eligible school but is not listed when I try to book an appointment. What's going on?
A: Appointments are booked twice per year, once in the fall and once in the winter. Teachers in eligible schools will be notified of the next booking times by their Teacher Liaisons.
Q: Why isn't my school eligible?
A: At this time, we are only able to serve 54 schools in the listed counties who have at least 75% of students qualifying for free or reduced meals. We hope to be able to expand our services in the future.
Q: What if I need to cancel my appointment?
A: Due to supply and demand for shopping appointments it is imperative that, if you have to cancel your appointment, you call or email TSC no less than 24 hours prior to your appointment or alert TSC that you are sending someone in your place. Failure to comply with this request will result in loss of shopping privileges the next year.
Charleston County Schools (36)
A. C. Corcoran ES
Baptist Hill MHS
Burke HS
Charleston Development Academy ES
Charleston Progressive Academy EMS
Chicora Elementary ES
Deer Park MS
E. B. Ellington ES
Edith L. Frierson ES
Edmund A. Burns ES
Garrett Academy of Technology HS
Greg Mathis Charter HS
James Simons ES
Jane Edwards ES
Jerry Zucker Middle School of Science
Julian Mitchell Math & Science ES
Ladson ES
Mary Ford ES
Matilda Dunston ES
Meeting Street Elementary
Memminger ES
Midland Park ES
Military Magnet MHS
Minnie Hughes ES
Morningside MS
Mount Zion ES
N. Charleston ES
N. Charleston HS
Northwoods MS
Pepperhill ES
Pinehurst ES
Sanders-Clyde ES
Simmons-Pinckney MS
St. James-Santee ES
Stono Park ES
W. B. Goodwin ES
Berkeley County Schools (13)
Berkeley ES
Cainhoy E/MS
Cross ES
Cross HS
College Park ES
College Park MS
Devon Forest ES
Goose Creek ES
J. K. Gourdin ES
Mt. Holly ES
Sangaree ES
St. Stephen ES
St. Stephen MS
Dorchester County Schools (DD4) (5)
Clay Hill ES
Harleyville ES
Harleyville/Ridgeville ES
St. George MS
Williams Memorial ES